Monday, April 18, 2011


Welcome to Real Women...Real Country (tm) by My Friend Ronnie, a fun place to chat about life outside---outside the city, that is! I'm talking to the energetic women who are raising crops, critters and kids and have little time for spas, sports cars or tiny dogs that fit in their purse. We work hard, take pride in our homes, family and our community and want to have a little fun along the way!

And a little about me---I'm an artist and writer and have made my living as such for a l-o-n-g time---and yet I'm still so young! I've designed greeting cards, gift bags, paper tableware, fabric, mugs, figurines (ok---all the cute stuff!) but mostly I love writing funny sayings and drawing quirky pictures. You can find my designs in all kinds of retailers like Target, Michaels, JoAnn's and many many smaller boutiques. I absolutely love what I do! As we go along, I'll let you know where Real Women...Real Country (tm) products can be found.

I developed this collection a few years ago when I realized that all of the women's humor products were geared toward the urban woman who's main concern seemed to be about heading off to the spa, shopping for fabulously expensive items and drinking cosmopolitans with her swanky girlfriends. Or the humor was all about saggy boobs, stupid men and drinking cosmopolitans with her swanky girlfriends. But here at RWRC, we're all about finding the funny in the everyday---raising kids, dealing the the relatives, finding one more way to stretch those leftovers and trying to maintain a tiny bubble of femininity for ourselves! (and maybe sharing a cosmopolitan with our girlfriends now and then!)

Join me in the conversation, together we can have lots of fun!
Talk to you soon,